Next week is Volunteers Week
1st - 7th June
Here our guest blogger Derek Fisher shares his thoughts about volunteers and volunteering.
Every care home and day centre has an infrastructure of staff.
From manager downwards , everyone has a vital role to play. They all do this as a paid job. It’s an income and a need.
However , in my experience I have always found that any care setting cannot function fully without the fantastic help from a swelling army of hardy souls of all ages.
These angels give up their own free time to carry out such important roles in so many care settings.
Tea making
Activity leading
Helping raise funds
Baking cakes
Driving to get errands
Taking and escorting people to medical appointments
Collecting charity donations in the street such as on Poppy Day
Quite frankly the list in endless.
The volunteering opportunities are endless and they have no boundaries and it does not stop at care homes and day centres. Hospitals are a great place to volunteer. Indeed many hospitals have volunteers at the main desk in reception to help guide people to the department they are looking for.
Charity shops are run by paid staff but they rely heavily on volunteers to help run the shops.
Just think for one minute how this impacts on the volunteer.
Firstly it is such a fulfilling role to undertake.
Secondly , a volunteer is giving back to society in a meaningful and worthwhile way.
Thirdly, it gives someone who is retired or has time on their hands, a purpose and a role.
Lastly, volunteering raises ones self esteem and has a positive psychological affect.
It’s also a great way to meet new friends and socialise.
Age doesn’t come into it at any stage. In fact I have seen school children volunteer in my settings and this gives them work experience. At the other end of the age spectrum, our older and retired folk have so much of life’s experiences to bring to whatever setting they choose to volunteer in.
I must add that I’ve seen younger volunteers ultimately being offered paid work in the place they volunteered in. The benefits really are endless.
So to summarise;
All types of settings rely heavily on the outstanding efforts of their volunteers. Hence the heading “ backbone”.
Volunteering is good for the mind and self esteem.
It’s a great way to meet new friends and it’s great to give back to the community. It’s also a very good way to gain work experience.
It’s a win win all round.