Larchwood Care, Kingsgate Care Home family have been enjoying an exciting month of activities by travelling the world on a virtual cruise ship.
Travelling the world on a virtual luxury cruise from the comfort of the home has proven to be the perfect antidote to the colder weather and pandemic restrictions, cheering residents up during the month of January.
Each week staff and residents have visited new locations based in as many of the world’s continents as possible.
The first location on the list was the Americas, enabling residents to celebrate Elvis Presley's birthday in Memphis Tennessee. With, music, dance, peanut butter & banana sandwiches (apparently Elvis's favourite! ).
Week two took them to Africa and in week three Asia and the final week took them back Europe.
Along the way, everyone has had the opportunity to try food and drink from the various countries 'visited'. Trying Mexican food was one of the big highlights of the excursion!
Staff members have helped residents to learn more about different countries’ cultures, music and dance, as well as some fun facts about each country with quizzes, films and reminiscence activities.
Discovering Different Cultures
During the cruise Stuart Duffy, 78, a resident at Kingsgate care home, said: “The cruise is very interesting as I like to travel. I’d like to go on a cruise as I haven’t done that.
“I am looking forward to learning about the different cultures of the countries, and I am especially interested in the week when we go to the Asian countries.”
Catherine Lawson, 90, another resident at Kingsgate care home, said: “I have never been outside of the UK, so I am really enjoying learning about the various countries and tasting the food and drink. I will never get to see these countries in person so doing it this way is just wonderful!”

After the cruise, everyone enjoyed a cheese and wine party to celebrate arriving back home.

Larchwood Care have a Facebook page for Kingsgate Care Home, where you can see more about the fun had during the virtual cruise. Click here.