When we, as a family, had to take the really difficult decision to support my grandmother in a move to a care home, we were crippled by guilt.
As the mother of 4 school aged children I could not continue as my grandmother's main carer.
The progression of her dementia meant that she needed more care and support 24 hours a day.
When she was left for too long her frustration and confusion caused angry outbursts and aggressive behaviours towards me and others in my family.
The worst problem with selecting suitable care homes for my grandmother to view was the fact that we knew nothing about them.
Care homes are not the subject of 'normal conversations'
Many people feel embarrassed and/or guilty about having loved ones living in a care home.
Newspapers are filled with horrific stories about care homes who have failed to give the support and care required.
Front page stories highlight the uncaring and bullying behaviours of 'carers' working in care homes.
I want to change this.
I want care homes to offer hope for a 'happy ever after' lifestyle.
I want those in elderhood to be able to choose a lifestyle that suits them, and for their families to feel confident in supporting their decisions - without shame.
I want to see improvements in the provision of lifestyle choices in care homes.
Most importantly, I want the general public to be aware of the fantastic provision that is available.
I think good news stories about care homes can help to build confidence in 'service users'.
I also believe that if these stories are more common-place more care homes would strive to provide appropriate care for elderhood and those with a dementia diagnosis.

You can help me to achieve my mission!
Let's get people talking positively about care home life.
Please send me your care home good news stories for publication on my blog.
info@brightcopperkettles - BLOG in the subject line💕