A group of residents at Finney House in Preston, all aged between 83 and 99 have taken part in an inhouse production of a radio play that was specially written just for them.
A spoof of a radio play classic, ‘The Haharchers’ is a fictitious comedy radio play. Based on a five minute snap-shot of life at Finney House, scripts have already been written for four more episodes. Episode one ‘The New Gardener ’ begins with several residents sitting and chatting together while waiting for afternoon tea to be served.
They are looking out of the window watching the comings and goings on the car park. One of them spots the arrival of a new van that they’ve not seen before, before we know it there is an unexpected turn of events!
‘This has been such a fun thing to do. Our residents have done incredibly well and we are looking forward to producing the next episode’ said Jen Stutter, Activities Coordinator at Finney House.
‘We are constantly looking at new ways to engage our residents in meaningful and stimulating activities. For some of the residents involved this has been the first time they have tried anything like this. We think it is fabulous and are very proud of what they have achieved. You never know, they might even make it to the ARIAS 2022! ’. Said Jo Fogg L & M Healthcare's new Quality and Clinical Director, with a smile and a cheeky wink.
Cheryl Bris who has just joined Finney House as the new Home Manager said ’I think this is absolutely brilliant. I’ve never heard of anything like this being done before in a care home. It really does show that you are never too old to try something new.’

Written by Louise Harder and edited by Philip Pitcher who have been working on L&M Healthcare’s brand communications for the last six years, ‘The Haharcher’s ’ will be launched today on all L&M Healthcare’s social media platforms.
Disclaimer: No cars, gardeners or home manager’s husbands were injured in the making of this play and we can assure you that the length of the grass here is never a disgrace!
To listen and download this first episode please click this link

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