I was absolutely thrilled to receive my copies of My Grandma has Dementia yesterday - as you can see from the photo I took when I unpacked them.
This endearing little book, aimed at primary school aged children (4 - 10 years old) is quite simply brilliant!

Alex Winstanley tells the tale, based on his personal experiences with his Grandma, Mary. Explaining the tell tale signs in very simple language, and going on to educate a little about the different types of dementia in terms easily understood by the young reader.

The fantastic drawings by Adam Walker-Parker help the reader to understand further, with lots of opportunities for the adult reader to point things out which may be similar for a loved one in the family.
Visually inviting and a positive look at life after a dementia diagnosis, this book is a wonderful way to teach children about how they may be able to help a person they know who is living with dementia.
I particularly noted the touching nod of thanks to the wonderful staff at the care home, where Mary lived for a while. The positive care home atmosphere portrayed in this book is one that is enjoyed by many families and I think it is important for both adults and children to know that their loved one can live in a happy-life care home environment.
Huge congratulations to both Alex and Adam - I simply love this book!
The book is available to order through BCKuk Amazon Shop - £7.99