Avante Care & Support is a registered charity, providing care to over 1000 people. They deliver specialist residential dementia and nursing services, including day care and short term respite breaks.

Avant's’ philosophy of care, the Eden alternative, is at the heart of their care delivery, supporting staff to provide exceptional care.
This philosophy underpins Avante's missions, vision, and values. It supports staff to understand dementia better, the impact it can have on people; and how they can help those living with dementia to continue to live vibrant and fulfilling lives.
It provides a framework for all staff to understand and practice person-centred care.
The goal is to improve the wellbeing of residents and service users by transforming the communities in which they live and work.
Avante Care & Support staff spend time supporting residents in our care homes to revisit past hobbies and interests. This is a great way to increase engagement and interaction and can also help to reduce prevalent cognitive behaviours in some people living with dementia.

Last week, Activity Coordinator, Julie, supported Josie, Pilgrims View care home resident, to revisit her favourite interest, swimming!
Josie was a keen swimmer, and swimming was a big part of her life. Josie's passion for the water was one of the first things she shared with staff when she moved into Pilgrims View. Josie is very proud of her past achievements with swimming and talks with the team about the competitions and galas that she previously participated in.
Pilgrims View staff have visited the local swimming pool in Larkfield many times with other residents, so they knew they would be able to offer Josie the opportunity to swim again should she wish to.
Josie of course jumped at the chance to go swimming and on the way back to Pilgrims View asked if she could go again soon!
Thanks to the team at Pilgrims View care home and the staff at Larkfield Leisure centre for making this happen for Josie.