Greater Moments is a free app created for people living with dementia, professional carers and family carers developed by Social Sense and Hitch Marketing.
The app focuses not on the dementia, but on the person and those around them. It has been designed to measure and understand in real time what it is like for those living with dementia bringing local services, activities and social experiences together in one place, enabling greater connections throughout communities and improved wellbeing for carers and those with long term conditions.
There is life after diagnosis. There are greater moments ahead.
Those behind the app want to make Greater Manchester the best place in the UK to live with dementia.
Bright Copper Kettles CIC is supporting the app with free activity ideas for care homes and similar settings, although the ideas can also be adapted for individuals.
Sign up for the app and you will find a link to the free resources from Bright Copper Kettles CIC among lots of other supportive resources.
There is so much more to the app which will support people living with dementia with their own lives.
And when you use the app, you can help improve services which already exist (as well as new ones) to be dementia friendly.
People living with dementia and their carers can register for the app on the Greater Moments website www.greatermoments.org.uk and click on “Request a Login”.