This month is National Hot Tea Month:
On a cold and frosty morning a cup of hot tea is my first priority, I love to snuggle up and catch up with social media as I sip my mug of tea in the mornings.
My favourite tea is Lady Grey, I actually can't drink Breakfast Tea first thing in the morning.
Do you have a favourite blend of tea?
When is your favourite time to enjoy a cup of tea?
Where do you prefer to drink it?
When we enjoy a cup of tea with our care home family, we need to consider how, when, where and what tea should be served.
This may be different for each person, we need to understand that they have those preferences and that they may need support to really appreciate each cup of tea.
Some prefer to be alone, some may enjoy a pre-breakfast relaxed cuppa with a friend or colleague, others may not drink tea at all in the mornings, but really enjoy a cup mid-afternoon.
Tea tasting sessions will help determine preferences, but running the same session at different times of the day may give you more of an insight as to why Mary always leaves her morning cuppa, even though she usually enjoys her tea later in the day.
Getting to know these preferences will help you and your care home family to keep hydrated during the day - hydration is particularly important during the winter months when we are less aware of it, less likely to move ourselves to get a drink and are unwittingly becoming more unhydrated due to our indoor heating systems.
Drinking tea is one of the most basic of daily activities taking place in care homes, sometimes several times a day. Understanding how this activity can be enhanced and enjoyed more is just one of the many subjects covered in both THE ACTIVITY COORDINATORS TOOLBOX online membership and my HOW TO PLAN CARE HOME ACTIVITIES course.