Beechwood Care Home in Wishaw
Jenni Mack, Marketing Executive at Holmes Care Group

Staff at Beechwood Care Home in Wishaw have been arranging “virtual trips” as current lockdown measures mean that residents haven’t been able to go out since early March.
So far residents have been on a bus trip to Largs and a flight to Dublin. (both including local treats such as ice cream and Guinness)
All trips were enjoyed with sing songs, and photos and lots of laughs.
Manager Cathy Togneri said “I thought it would be a good idea to cheer everyone up as we can’t get out and the residents are used to being out and about ordinarily. It gave everyone something to look forward to when we were planning the trip and yesterday evening it was a talking point and everyone loves an ice-cream or a wee drink!"
Helen Miller the Activity Coordinator made custom antimacassar headrest covers for the bus seats and bought hats and sunglasses to give us a holiday feel.
The resident’s enjoyed a sing song of “you cannae shove yer granny aff the bus” and “the back of the bus it cannae sing” and lots more besides.
On their most recent trip to Dublin residents were decked up in Irish themed dress up and given a wee Guinness to enjoy.
We are looking at doing more virtual tours in coming weeks with all of our residents so that everyone can have a “trip” out