The fifth and final blog in our series of blogs from Helen Buckley, owner of Revive All to celebrate Aromatherapy Awareness Week. We hope you have found these articles helpful, we certainly have. And we are delighted to let you know that Helen will be writing for us again in the future.
This week I have looked at ways aromatherapy can be used to treat people who require care. Today I would like to look at how aromatherapy can help support the people who give the care.

Stress and depression can affect anyone but carers are particularly vulnerable due to the additional pressure and expectations placed on them.
Not all stress is negative. It can make us alert to dangers and changes in behaviour. It is when the balance and demands become too much that stress becomes overwhelming.
The results can be anxiety, anger, feeling exhausted, sleeplessness, mood swings, emotional outbursts, changes in eating habits, cramps, chest pains, headaches, nausea, breathlessness.
I cannot emphasis enough that as carers you are giving your times and energy to those in your charge. This energy, unless replenished, will eventually run out. It is, therefore, important that you know and understand the signs for caregiver’s stress and burnout and to have practices in place to ensure you are able to replenish your energy.
Aromatherapy does have its place in boosting emotions and energy levels. Oils can also be used to reduce feelings of nausea, muscle cramps, increase energy levels and mind concentration.
My most popular ones being;

Lavender for calming, balancing and antidepressant.
Citrus oils or their uplifting, refreshing and anti-depressant properties. Some citrus oils are also beneficial for digestive issues.
Frankincense for comforting and rejuvenating properties. It is also beneficial to slow the breath which is useful to relax.
Bergamot as it is an ideal oil for all sorts of stress and depression while being uplifting.
Ylang Ylang as a regulator as it is deeply relaxing yet it uplifting.
Basil, I found is a great mind stimulator and enables concentration. It can also be used for nervous tension and depression and as an oil to reduce feelings of nausea.
Ginger is well known for aiding digestive problems and nausea. It is an uplifting oil and reduces lethargy and nervous exhaustion.
Other ways you may wish to replenish your energy levels are a form of complementary therapy such as massage, reflexology, reiki or through a creative therapy such as drawing or crafting.
Mindfulness, meditation practices and talking therapies are common too. If you are unsure about accessing help, speak to your GP.
If you wish to know more about other complimentary therapies or self-massage please contact me on helen@reviveall.co.uk
If you would like to speak to someone about anxiety please contact your GP,
Mind on www.mind.org.uk
Carers UK on www.carersuk.org/home
or I can recommend this 15 minute relaxation exercise by Judith Hanson www.judithhanson.co.uk/home for anxiety and mindfulness exercises.