More than 850,000 people are living with Alzheimer’s and dementia across the UK. Reports suggest that these numbers will surge up to 1 million by the end of 2025 and 2 million by 2051. When a person with dementia finds that their ability to live independently deteriorates they may come to rely upon family members or paid carers. The families and caregivers of people with a dementia diagnosis are, therefore, greatly impacted and affected by their condition.
September is World Alzheimer’s Awareness Month when, traditionally, various organizations work globally to spread the awareness of this disease. NRS healthcare, a leading provider of daily living aids and community equipment, with a heritage spanning 70 years. They have taken a different route having been working with carers and families affected to produce a guide for the caregivers of people with a dementia diagnosis.
Living with a person who has dementia can often lead to high or very high emotional stress levels. 40% of family caregivers admitted to this being the case.
The NRS Healthcare guide, A Carer’s Guide to Alzheimer’s Disease, serves to highlight the vital role that carers play and to offer some advice on dealing with specific situations carers may encounter.
A Carer’s Guide to Alzheimer’s Disease includes:
Facts and stats on people living with Alzheimer’s and dementia.
Stats on carers who look after those with Alzheimer’s and dementia.
An illustrated Day in the Life of an Alzheimer’s Caregiver.
Advice on how to deal with difficult situations as a carer, such as when the person becomes aggressive or forgets who you are.
Advice for carers on looking after themselves.
Products that can help increase the independence of someone living with Alzheimer’s or dementia