The Activity Coordinator
Jack-of-all-trades and full of enthusiasm, your Activity Coordinator (AC) will play a key part in your dementia care strategy. This role has been very underated in the past, Care Home Managers have been missing a trick or two. Trained correctly, and given the right resources, your AC will have a wealth of ideas to ensure that your clients' biopsychosocial needs are being met, as well as raising the profile of your business.
Ensure your Activity Coordinator has the best resources for the job
Life Stories
The starting point for any Person Centre Care Plan has to be learning about personal LIFE STORIES.
REMINISCENCE helps to engage people in the here and now. The environment can be changed to encourage memories.
Montessori Methods
Meaningful activities which involve sensory processes can give people a sense of purpose and fulfilment. Using LIFE STORIES as a background we look at how to implement MONTESSORI METHODS in ACTIVE DAILY LIVING.
Physical Activity
Use it or lose it - encourage movement wherever and whenever possible, according to personal abilities. We include PHYSICAL ACTIVITY ideas for older participants, group games and activities for individuals.
Enjoying the Outdoors
It is important to get OUTDOORS to benefit from daylight, fresh air and exercise. Everyone, including people with dementia, can experience a reduction of stress levels from walking outside even for short periods of time.
Arts & Crafts
The benefits of ARTS AND CRAFTS are great. The physical dexterity of making or creating something involves using a different part of the brain as well as keeping hands busy. The satisfaction of seeing the end result is also psychologically beneficial. Involve older participants in a variety of projects.